What happens when senior retired Pathologist doctor in Boston is advised immediately angiography followed by either angioplasty or bypass surgery? Discover the heartfelt journey of Dr. Bharati Mittal on how she herself being a medical doctor withstood the peer pressure of the cardiologist and why she chose the unconventional holistic therapies offered by Dr. Pratiksha Gandhi at IPC Heartcare.
She was diagnosed with chest pain (Angina) and controlled it with medications. She was even able to carry out her daily chores without any problem. She was told to go through catheter angiography so that the current state of the block in the heart can be examined. Dr. Mittal wasn’t prepared for anything invasive and chose nuclear scan or thallium scan. The test found that the left ventricle was affected as the left anterior artery was blocked. Dr. Mittal was suggested to go through the catheter angiography the next day. But invasive procedures were never her choice. She took her time to find another way to treat the heart condition.

Being an experienced doctor she knew the complications of invasive heart surgeries very well. A very disturbed Dr. Mittal was desperate to find another way and that is when she watched an interview of CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta with President Clinton who talked about his own experience with heart bypass. In this interview Dr. Mittal was surprised to hear that after failed bypass and angioplasties a cardiac rehab program saved the President and enabled him
Being an experienced doctor she knew the complications of invasive heart surgeries very well. A very disturbed Dr. Mittal was desperate to find another way and that is when she watched an interview of CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta with President Clinton who talked about his
to carry on with his responsibilities as well as a healthy lifestyle. This gave her confidence to avoid the surgery.
However as a senior citizen she had maintained a healthy lifestyle with low-fat diet and exercises for almost past ten years. She felt the need for something more which is non-invasive and began searching for it which ended with the website of www.ipcheartcentre.com. She got all the relevant information in terms of clinical validation and testimonials on the unique proprietary methods offered by Dr. Gandhi at IPC Heartcare Centre.
Though her family wanted her to go for the well-known treatment procedures, in big hospitals in US, the teacher trusted her student Dr. PratikshaGandhi from GS Medical College and KEM Hospital being the best in the country for medical education and ethics. She flew all the way from Boston to Mumbai for treatment. She shared her experience in IPC. Dr. Mittal praised the whole team led by Dr. Gandhi for being well trained while being friendly and caring. She completed her treatment and is living a healthy life with the help of Dr. Gandhi’s treatment.
If you have been advised angiography, angioplasty or bypass surgery call us now on +919930099975 for honest medical opinion.
own experience with heart bypass. In this interview Dr. Mittal was surprised to hear that after failed bypass and angioplasties a cardiac rehab program saved the President and enabled him to carry on with his responsibilities as well as a healthy lifestyle. This gave her confidence to avoid the surgery.
However as a senior citizen she had maintained a healthy lifestyle with low-fat diet and exercises for almost past ten years. She felt the need for something more which is non-invasive and began searching for it which ended with the website of www.ipcheartcentre.com. She got all the relevant information in terms of clinical validation and testimonials on the unique proprietary methods offered by Dr. Gandhi at IPC Heartcare Centre.
Though her family wanted her to go for the well-known treatment procedures, in big hospitals in US, the teacher trusted her student Dr. PratikshaGandhi from GS Medical College and KEM Hospital being the best in the country for medical education and ethics. She flew all the way from Boston to Mumbai for treatment. She shared her experience in IPC. Dr. Mittal praised the whole team led by Dr. Gandhi for being well trained while being friendly and caring. She completed her treatment and is living a healthy life with the help of Dr. Gandhi’s treatment.
If you have been advised angiography, angioplasty or bypass surgery call us now on +919930099975 for honest medical opinion.