Diet Plan For Healthy Heart
Diet is the primary factor that correlates with the health of the human body directly or indirectly. Consuming proper nutritious food is a pre-requisite for anybody irrespective of age and gender. Food plays an important role in maintaining the energy levels and improves the immunity power in the body. Health is the major factor for […]
Attack Heart Attack before it attacks you
Advancements in medical technology have widened the scope for more innovative and effective treatment for heart problems. You can prevent 80% of heart attacks and avoid Bypass surgeries with a simple and dedicated IPC preventive cardiology program. IPC strongly believes in “Prevention is better than cure”. IPC preventive cardiology program is a miracle and a […]
What Is EECP Heart Treatment?
“What is EECP heart treatment?” is a question every EECP treatment centre is asked over and over again. EECP stands for Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy. It is an FDA approved treatment meant for cardiac patients. EECP helps to increase the blood supply to the heart muscles by increasing the collateral network of blood vessels. […]