“I was entirely normal until I had the COVID vaccination, after which I began experiencing significant chest discomfort when walking within 15 days.” My family doctor did my ECG, and it came back abnormal. I was recommended to get an angiography, which revealed substantial blockages in all three of my heart’s main arteries. I was told that I needed open heart surgery right away. I wasn’t psychologically prepared to go through what you did, so I came to you. During one of my recent visits, Haridas* exclaimed, “How could I become a heart patient after the vaccine?”
Haridas* was in this situation when he came to our facility for non-invasive cardiac therapy for his blockages. We get a lot of queries about the COVID vaccination and the cardiac effects of COVID infection. This post is written for those who proactively want to safeguard their hearts during the COVID epidemic.
First and foremost, a disclaimer is required. We fully endorse and adhere to the government’s COVID vaccination measures since they help halt the epidemic. However, making people aware of the potential and appropriate preparations to counteract this crisis scenario is equally critical. I’m simply discussing the examples I witness daily as a preventive cardiologist and advising the general population on prevention.
Returning to Haridas, he had a nearly ten-year history of hypertension and was on medication. He already had risk factors for heart disease, and the 80-90 percent blockages did not occur overnight due to the COVID vaccination doses. However, COVID infection or vaccination is known to damage the cardiac muscles, a condition termed medically “myocarditis,” and as a result, his latent ailment became active. I comforted him that his quiet heart illness had been uncovered and that it was a blessing in disguise. He had our heart rejuvenation therapy and is now doing exceptionally well without the need for invasive bypass surgery.
According to Swedish research, COVID-19 raises the risk of heart attack and stroke in individuals. In the study, about 86,742 people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in 2020 after one week had a nearly three-to-eight times higher risk of heart attack than 348,481 people who were not infected with the virus. The researchers did not include those who had previously suffered from heart attacks or strokes. As a result, we must recognize that COVID infection increases the risk of heart attack and stroke in ordinary people of any age.
So, why are normal individuals at an elevated risk even if they have never had a heart attack?
The COVID-19 virus can damage the heart muscle and affect its function. There are receptors in the heart cells where the coronavirus attaches itself before entering the cells. Due to infection, our body is fighting the virus, and a cascade of inflammatory processes involved may damage some healthy tissues, including the heart. Research studies have revealed that almost 70% of the heart muscles are inflamed even in young adults post-COVID infection. Moreover, the coronavirus affects the internal lining of arteries that supply blood to the heart, known as the endothelium. This leads to damage to small blood vessels and blood clots. All this can compromise the blood supply to the core.
We have specially designed a cardiac rejuvenation program for people interested in protecting their hearts in this COVID pandemic. This involves evaluating risk factors, early detection of heart disease, measuring your body’s inflammatory mechanisms, and having a customized lifestyle plan to fortify yourself.
This is for anyone interested in making their heart muscles strong, increasing the blood supply to the heart, boosting their immunity levels, and reducing inflammation in their body. Also, if anyone is worried about taking the vaccine, we can guide you on making it safe for them.