They typically depict an actor suffering from a heart attack and experiencing excruciating chest pain when released in Hollywood or Bollywood. The majority of people believe that chest pain is a sign of a heart attack and should seek medical attention immediately. diagnosis
However, studies have shown that heart attacks present differently in women and men. 75% of men have symptoms of chest pain, whereas, in women, it’s different.
When it comes to diagnosing a heart attack in a woman, it can be difficult for both the patient and the physician because the symptoms are not typical and are therefore frequently overlooked for early diagnosis. As an example, even after suffering from a heart attack, women have a 50% greater chance than men of receiving an incorrect initial diagnosis. This is extremely frightening, and every woman should read this article to ensure that their hearts are protected.
Earlier this year, the American Heart Association conducted a groundbreaking study revealing startling statistics about women’s heart attacks. They surveyed 500 heart attack survivors who were female. Nearly 71% of women reported unexplained fatigue in the weeks preceding a heart attack, defined as feeling tired for no apparent reason. For example, getting extremely tired after a routine day’s work or while performing simple household tasks should be considered new fatigue in this context.
It is critical to notify your doctor if you suspect experiencing a cardiac event.
Nearly 43% of women said they had no chest pain at all. Many women experience shortness of breath, and it is one of the most common symptoms. Another issue is that many physicians treat chest pain as an alarm button for a heart attack, ignoring other symptoms and attributing them to other causes. Antacids are used to treat acid reflux and other symptoms. We had a case of a woman who had been taking antacids for two years and had no improvement. She was eventually diagnosed with heart failure when the swelling in her legs became severe enough to warrant an echocardiogram. She had suffered a heart attack, and the heart muscles had been damaged to the point where the heart’s ability to pump was significantly reduced. Fortunately, thanks to our
We restored her heart function to normal after performing cardiac rejuvenation therapy with natural holistic solutions. It’s also unfortunate because women are often taken aback when they learn that they’ve had a heart attack. It’s deeply ingrained in the human psyche that only men are capable of getting it.
According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 45 per cent of women were unaware that heart disease was the leading cause of death.
Nearly 71% of women do not even bring up the subject of heart disease with their primary care physician.
If you are a woman reading this, keep one thing in mind: you are not alone. Never assume that you are immune to heart disease because you are healthy, younger, or a woman. Keep in mind that anyone who has a heart can develop heart disease. We provide special preventive checks and programs tailored specifically to women’s heart health needs.
If you are a woman and reading this, get one thing clear in your mind. Never assume you can’t get heart disease because you’re young, healthy, or a woman. Remember, anyone who has a heart can get heart disease. We offer special preventive checks and programs, especially for women’s heart health.
If you are a woman interested in protecting your heart and learning more, you can book a free call with us.